What is the use song without playlist on the website? Her purpose is to make a song in a playlist of your site without disturbing or make your blog look unattractive, and also not quite right for the song buffering on your website.
This is his html:
<object data="http://static.4shared.com/flash/player.swf?file=http://dc191.4shared.com/img/3628918918/c795731d/dlink__2Fdownload_2FJUvAl1XC_3Ftsid_3D20130522-153342-74d0115c_26dsid_3D2b37da.ffb9da468e5abb8fe19f3ebdafcbcbb0/preview.mp3&repeat=always&autostart=true" width="0" height="0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></object>
what is the meaning of the color red? The red lettering is a song code that will be used.
how do I obtain them? t is very easy but if you have trouble in this case you can send a message to my facebook, and I'll give you a code that you requested song.
Steps to get the music code:
-you first open the 4shared site and you're looking for music, but if the song you are looking for does not exist please upload their own music.
-when it's your turn to page his music continue to inspect element on the page, and look for a code of his music, see pictures for more details.
Good luck Yourself if there is a problem contact me via facebook.
Song without playlist on website